How I made my first one
1. cut out 2 peices of fabric, each about a half inch bigger on each side than you want your finished project to be for seam allowance. 5"x7" is a great size to start with. (including seam allowance)
-what kind of fabric to use? For this design cotton or flannel, nothing to thick like fleece.

2. with right sides together sew with a 1/2" seam allowance on 3 sides, choose a smaller side to be the open side. back stitch when starting and ending (because I always forget).

3. turn it out through the opening making sure it lays flat.
4. If you are concerned about even distribution of the rice, Start about 3/4" in on the open side and sew straight across the middle the the closed side. (refer to picture)

5. Sew just inside the edge of the fabric on all 3 sides (top stitch)

6. Fill the 2 open pockets with rice.
7. fold in both pieces of the open side and top stitch it closed and you are done.

If you have a serger and are not very worried about fancy looks just serge around 3 sides with wrong sides together, sew down the middle, fill and serge the open side. The serger seam shows but its quick practical and quick.
YAY! Thanks for the tutorial. :)