Monday, November 10, 2014

burlap wreath

At a church craft day one of the crafts avaliable to do was a burlap wreath. Well I didn't like it. My greatgrandma who isn't a member came to see what crafts we were doing and she liked it so I decided I would make one for her. I happened to run across a burlap bag in my fabric stash and while I was at the store I picked up a frame and some fake leaves. i decided to make is not so bubbly like a lot of the other burlap wreaths you see. Check out my etsy shop here

My pictures are out of order I will get it fixed.

You need:
A large burlap bag or a 10yd roll
A wreath frame with 4 rings
Something to decorate your wreath with optional
Glue  hot or tacky optional
Clear sealing spray

1. I cut my burlap bag into 10 inch strips
3. I pull up but not all the way though between the middle two rings.
2. I slide it in with the center rings above and the outter rigs under the burlap
4. I put my left hand under and push up from the bottom between the middle rings and scrunch the burlap together to get the gathered ruffled look. Glue with hot glue or tacky glue if you want
5. When you get the the end of a stripe add another you may have to move the ruffles arpund to blend it in.