Sunday, February 12, 2012

Duck tape! My new boots

My old boots from stock show 4 years ago

purple accent

at this point we noticed that the duct tape really did match up if you found the right spot

one down

our finished projects!

Duck tape! My sister's old romeos

My sisters old very worn out Georgia boot romeos

Now have a new life!

Duck tape! wallets

 My sister wanted a duck tape wallet so i tried it out...
 I have bought more colors since I made these a few weeks ago just haven't got around to making more

For my sister


 I am behind so here are some things from Christmas
For Ty's sisters Left for Hannah right for Sofie
Something to do next year This was in some Christmas stuff Ty's mom gave us,  do not throw out your puzzle with a missing piece paint the pieces green and make an ornament!